The 5th New York International Miniature Print Exhibition
Contact Email: exhibitions@manhattangraphicscenter.org
Call Type: Exhibitions
Eligibility: International
State: New York
Event Dates: 6/15/22 - 8/15/22
Entry Deadline: 5/03/22
Images - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3
Total Media - Minimum: 1, Maximum: 3
Entry Fee (Entry Fee): $35.00
Manhattan Graphics Center (MGC) is pleased to announce its 5th New York International Miniature Print Exhibition (NYIMPE), a juried competition and exhibition devoted to miniature prints.
This will be an online printmaking exhibit on view on Manhattan Graphics Center’s website June 15 – August 15, 2022.
There will be a virtual opening reception June 26, 2022 1:00–3:00 pm.
John Morning, New York City
John Morning is a Manhattan artist whose abstract prints and paintings emphasize color and structure. His work is in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and other notable institutions and individuals. John’s art world experience is heightened as founding chairman of the International Print Center New York and former member of The New York State Council on the Arts.
$35; $30 Manhattan Graphics Center members, maximum of 3 works
Entry Deadline: May 3, 2022, 11:59 pm MT
Acceptance Notification: May 24, 2022
Exhibition: June 15 – August 15, 2022
Virtual Award announcement and reception: June 26, 2022 1:00-3:00 pm
Prize winners will have the opportunity to speak about their work at the virtual reception. They will be notified in advance so there is ample time to prepare.
$500 - 1st place
$300 - 2nd place
$200 - 3rd place
Failure to meet any of these requirements will result in automatic disqualification.
Works must contain some form of printmaking including: Intaglio, Silkscreen, Relief, Monotype, Lithography, Collagraph, or Risograph.
Works must be 2-dimensional.
Works must be dated 2017 or later.
All artwork entered must be for sale.
Photographs or reproductions of artwork originally produced in another medium will not be considered.
Image Size: No larger than 9 square inches / 58 square centimeters. This translates to an image size of: 3 in x 3 in, or 2 in x 4.5 in or 7.6 cm x 7.6 cm, or 5 cm x 11.4 cm. Different size configurations are acceptable as long as they do not exceed square inch/centimeter requirements.
Paper size is unrestricted, but keep in mind how this affects packaging and shipping costs.
Price suggestion not more than $200. Sales will be encouraged.
Consider the extra cost of shipping when you price your artwork.
The exhibition will take place online and all sales will be made through MGC’s website and social media. We encourage you to share the link with your social network and on your own website.
Artists will receive 60% of the sale price and MGC will retain a 40% commission.
Payments can be made by check or PayPal. Please note that it will take longer to process and mail physical checks.
Artists are responsible for packing and shipping sold works to the buyer as well as the shipping cost. Work must be shipped in a timely manner after the sale, no later than one week after MGC has notified you of the sale.
The Artist agrees to take all care to professionally pack the work for shipment, with a paper or Tyvek layer surrounding the work plus a rigid/unbendable exterior. Please label: ARTWORK — DO NOT BEND.
Please insure the work for the full value when shipping. This will add $5-15 to the shipping cost. Be sure to retain your receipt in the event that a damage or loss claim is necessary.
Please choose tracking options when you ship and confirm that the work has been successfully delivered in good condition to the buyer. We also recommend a signature requirement.
Please forward confirmation of receipt by the buyer to MGC staff at: finance@manhattangraphicscenter.org
Successful shipment, with no damages, must be confirmed before payment can be sent to the artist.
Artists will be paid for sales after the exhibition ends. Payments can be expected to be received by September, 30, 2022.
must be at least 18 years of age to enter