This January, the Print Club of New York will be visiting MGC to look at the work of artists who might be candidates for their annual Showcase. We are inviting all current MGC members to submit work for review.
Please note that this call is open only to current MGC members; please do not share this call with non-members, unless they are first willing to purchase an MGC membership.
Quick summary of PCNY Artist Showcase:
Each year The Print Club of New York holds an event at which five artists have the opportunity to present themselves and their works and then to sell their prints directly to PCNY members. Their selection process comprises two rounds. The first round involves visits to selected studios and galleries in the NYC area, such as MGC, to make a preliminary choice of fifteen to twenty artists. In the second round, artists from the preliminary selection are invited to submit e-portfolios to PCNY jurors for further review. The committee then chooses a final five artists from the second round for the Showcase event, which will be held at The Society of Illustrators on Monday, May 20, 2024. At the event, each artist gives a short PowerPoint presentation about their work, followed by the opportunity to sell work directly to PCNY members. The five chosen artists will also each receive an honorarium of $500.
The criteria for selection are:
The artist has no permanent gallery representation in NYC and is able to sell work directly to collectors.
The artist is able to be present at The Society of Illustrators on May 20, 2024.
The artist has not previously been selected to participate in a Print Club Showcase, though artists who have submitted in the past and not been chosen are encouraged to submit again.
Editioned prints that can be sold for under $500 are preferred.
If you are interested, please contact for more details re. drop off of prints. Up to five prints may be submitted.
The deadline to drop off prints is Tuesday, January 23.
Each print must have a label with the following info:
Artist name:
PCNY will be coming to look at the prints on Tuesday, January 30. Past Showcase artists can be viewed on the PCNY website: