Learn how to create a monoprint, a one-of-a-kind print that can be made from a variety of traditional plates, with Luanda Lozano, whose work is featured in Matrix. Draw and paint in color with brushes and brayers and explore how to use found materials to create textures. Learn hand-printing techniques as well as how to pull prints from an etching press.
When: Sunday, March 26 | 1:30–3:30pm
Where: Greene Education Center
Admission: This event is free with general admission https://www.hrm.org/events/monoprint-workshop-with-luanda-lozano/
Image: Luanda Lozano (Dominican-American, born Angola, 1973). Gagá, 1990. Woodcut on vellum paper (artist’s proof). Courtesy of the artist. © Luanda Lozano.