There are over 70 million displaced people in the world today.
The causes of this crisis are many, complex and often global in nature: neo colonialism, climate change, war and poverty. However, refugees across the world confront a surge of xenophobia. The alien ‘other’ is not only demonized, but also turned into an existential threat. Indeed, in this age of global anxiety, where even citizens of developed nations suffer a lack of security in their finances and future, the mere ‘otherness of the other’ becomes yet another source of anxiety, much to the detriment of both populations.
The artists in this show live within communities as natural outsiders, forming their own borderless intersections. Our work addresses inbetweenness, a space between two cultures where relationships and negotiations consistently define and redefine themselves, remaining unfixed, in a state of transformation.
As artists, we have our own relationship with uncertainty. In facing a blank canvas we not only face uncertainty, we embrace it. By so doing, we can channel the hope and hopelessness of our time and be your mirrors. We can also take you to a hidden, deeper certainty, something that connects and brings us together.
Can our work, in these uncertain times, open a space for dialog?
Tara Sabharwal, curator
An Exhibition Curated by Tara Sabharwal
Opening Saturday, October 15
Support provided by the IFPDA Foundation.